There’s apparently an old say that goes like this, “If you are what you do, and you don’t, then you AIN’T!” Many first responders facing the prospect of retirement from a fulfilling, adrenalized life’s work know what we’re talking about. After retirement, then what? Break out the fishing pole and count the day’s until you die? On the opposite side of that contemplation would be the prospect of having to serve another five years at a job you’re burned out on because the retirement fund is too pitiful to quit.

The point of this is you owe it to yourself and family to be able to determine your own retirement date outside of the pro or con influence of how your portfolio is doing. First responders are true American heroes and deserve the latitude to decide when they’re done.

But what do you do if the stock market isn’t cooperating?

In the first place, the stock market is not such a great place to be putting your money. These days it is largely driven by speculation, political events, and natural disasters. Not a tasty recipe for solid growth. Trust us, this ain’t your grandfather’s stock market, and that’s not a compliment. To build a sizable nest egg that allows YOU to decide when enough is enough requires the courage to step out of the box and say, “I’m going to be different. I’m going to succeed at investing.”

Here’s a hint – income property. Become a landlord and own an ever-growing collection of residential, single-family homes that you rent out. This is the best method we’ve ever found for motivated first responders to reach the land of financial independence. You can learn exactly how to do this for free via the podcasts and blogs on this website or head over to for even more resources.

And retire on your own terms.