It used to be that pensions for police, fire, and other emergency service careers were based upon receiving a certain percentage of your highest salary of the last ten years of employment – or some permutation of that. Those were the good old days. New retirees hope to build wealth lies in the whims and vagaries of the stock market, which is where many fund managers plow your future pension, hoping to generate some sort of decent return.

That’s a scary proposition if you ask us. You can’t rely on the stock market for anything except to behave like a hyperactive chimpanzee. Up. Down. Up. Waaay down. Sideways. Diagonal. Backward and forward simultaneously. Are you queasy yet? You should be. This is not a good way to plan for old age.

A better idea to build wealth that will actually be there when you retire is to funnel whatever pension money you are allowed to into a type of investing that actually works. For more than two decades, Heroic Investing has watched people of modest means change their financial future for the better by focusing on income property investments. This is the silent secret to wealth in America. The majority of rich people got that way through real estate, and many didn’t have much to start with. You’ve worked hard. You’ve sacrificed much. Unfortunately, today’s economy is leaving pensions hung out to dry. Take hold of your future and learn how to build wealth that lasts no matter what the stock market is doing.