Nell Merlino is the Founder and President of Count Me In for Women's Economic Independence, which provides resources for women to grow their micro-businesses into million dollar enterprises. Nell believes women businesses are the solution to the nation's economic turnaround. 

Nell is also helping military veterans and spouses of veterans build companies. She created Take Our Daughters to Work Day. 

Nell is author of “Stepping Out of Line: Lessons for Women Who Want It Their Way in Life, in Love, and at Work,” forthcoming from Broadway Books, a division of Random House. Throughout her career, Nell Merlino has been inspiring millions of people to take action. She is the creative force behind Take Our Daughters to Work Day, which moved more than 71 million Americans to participate in a day dedicated to giving girls the opportunity to dream bigger about their future. 

Through Count Me In, Nell is now inspiring women entrepreneurs to dream big and achieve even more. She is leading a global movement to empower women entrepreneurs to grow their businesses to a million dollars and beyond by providing tools, resources, and a supportive community of their peers. Count Me In’s Make Mine a Million $ Business program reaches women entrepreneurs in communities around the country through events and on-line community. This movement will not only add millions of jobs and billions of dollars of economic activity, but take women to new levels of independence, empowering them to act as economic leaders. 

Nell is also the founder and President of Strategy Communication Action, Ltd. (SCA) in New York City, a firm specializing in the creation of public education campaigns that motivate people to act. Prior to founding Count Me In and SCA, Merlino worked on campaigns for the YWCA, The Week Without Violence, the United Nations’ Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, in two state governments, was an advance woman in presidential politics, a union organizer and a Fulbright Scholar. 

Find out more about Neil Merlino at Visit Make Mine A Million at