Gary Pinkerton talks with Brian Burke, President & CEO of Praxis Capital as well as a former firefighter, police officer, and ambulance EMT, about his journey from first responder to creating and running a $150+ million company.

The two discuss how Brian found/made the time, when he realized it was time to switch careers, his thoughts on real estate, and finding favorable areas to invest in.

Key Takeaways:

[5:33] How was Brian able to find the time and energy to create his company while being a firefighter/police officer/ambulance EMT?

[9:19] Brian eventually reached the point where his real job was getting in the way of his investing job (where he could make more money), so he had to make the switch. The weird hours of being a first responder definitely helped him in his real estate journey.

[13:51] If you have a job and are thinking that you don't want to do real estate investing full time, you don't have to. Brian started with a goal of 1 rental home a year

[18:20] How investors have sold properties in California in order to buy a whole lot more in other, more favorable, investing areas

[21:26] Brian's thesis on real estate
