Gary Pinkerton talks to retired police officer Lance Lorusso about his transition to the public sector and how others can successfully do the same. Lance is author of When Cops Kill.

The two discuss how police officers roles have changed with the tiems, how the culture in today's society helps first responders more so than in the past, the importance of writing out your goals, and important things to do BEFORE you leave your first responder job.

Key Takeaways:

[7:56] Why Lance wrote "When Cops Kill"

[10:03] How police officers have had to change how they do things in recent years

[14:11] What did Lance encounter as he transitioned out of his first responder role?

[17:42] The culture in today's world is such that you shouldn't have to settle

[21:42] Have goals, write them out, and don't be afraid to adjust them

[25:46] The two big things people discovered they missed while they were deployed

[27:51] What you should try and do before you get out
