Gary Pinkerton talks with former police officer David Greene about David's experience as an investor while still working full time, how he's able to get be as successful as he's been, using technology, and more.

Key Takeaways:

Gary Intro:

[4:22] Start a mentorship program to learn what others have done

David Greene Interview:

[8:13] David's story of starting to invest while he was still working full time as a police officer

[12:28] Where is David buying property?

[15:25] Walking a house might actually do more harm than good

[16:17] The Core 4 you need for your team

[20:38] If you want to find the best people, you need to be the best so you attract the best

[24:31] It's not that hard to get a great reputation in most parts of life because the bar has been set so low

[28:16] How David mixes technology and his Core 4
