Dr. Jill Ammon-Wexler is a doctor of psychology with over 45 years of pioneering brain/mind research experience. In addition to teaching mind power methods in universities and corporations, she was invited by former President Jimmy Carter to support his Special Commission on Women in Business, was invited to serve as a Pentagon consultant focused on business communications, and has authored over 30 books and hundreds of articles in both business and individual success categories.

Unlike other personal development approaches, her focus is on refining brain/mind power to create more successful action. Instead of presenting strategies that never work in the real-world, you'll get genuine science-based information that can be immediately implemented. Learn more by scrolling down the page to check out Dr. Jill's books, audio books, and other materials.

In her books, audio books and programs, Dr. Jill Ammon-Wexler provides insights and action plans for every area of your life: from higher states of awareness to personal achievement ... from instant stress management to healthy longevity ... from enhanced mental performance to mind/brain enhancement.

Getting more satisfaction in life does not necessarily result from taking the latest personal growth program. True, this set your feet on a more productive path. BUT...true lasting success only happens when you commit to direct your thoughts and actions every day. In other words, your daily mental habits and resulting actions are what help you create the life and business conditions you want.

