Gary Pinkerton talks with Steve Snyder, author of Shot Down: The True Story of Pilot Howard Snyder and the Crew of the B-17 Susan Ruth. Steve is the son of Howard Snyder, who was a B-17 pilot with the 8th Air Force flying missions over Germany during World War 2 and was shot down over Belgium. Steve recounts some of the stories that he learned about his father's journey while researching the book, as well as what he's learned about The Greatest Generation and why it's so critical that we document and remember everything we can about their generation.

Key Takeaways:

[4:26] Steve's dad was a B-17 pilot with the 8th Air Force flying missions over Germany during World War 2

[8:09] How Steve's dad was able to escape German pursuit after he was caught in a tree during his bail out

[10:59] The process of tracking down the pilot who shot Steve's dad's plane down

[16:27] How Steve would characterize those that he's met from "The Greatest Generation"
