Gary Pinkerton talks with Welcome Wilson, a 91 year old Navy veteran who served in the Executive Office under Presidents Dwight D Eisenhower and John F Kennedy, who is also a real estate developer and current Chairman of the Board for Welcome Group, LLC.

The two dive into Wilson's service under Eisenhower and Kennedy, as well as some of the best business advice Welcome has learned in his 90+ years, as well as what he attributes his longevity to.

Key Takeaways:

[2:45] Focus on adding value to others and the money will come

[6:39] The advice from Wilson's Chief Petty Officer that helped him a lot

[9:42] The words from the Dean of Wilson's junior college that changed his life

[12:31] Wilson's experience under Presidents Eisenhower and Kennedy

[19:27] What Wilson attributes his longevity and mental awareness to

[21:10] You have to learn to make a good pitch on your own behalf in order to get deals

[24:57] Welcome's Rules of Order


Always Welcome: Nine Decades of Great Friends, Great Times & (Mostly) Great Deals