Do you feel like you’re stuck in a rut, working in a job that doesn’t fulfill your passions or utilize your full potential? Do you want to achieve financial freedom without sacrificing the ability to pursue what makes you happy?

As we CELEBRATE WOMEN’S HISTORY MONTH 2023, now is the perfect time to recognize our potential and make changes that create a better future for ourselves. One of the best ways to break the mold and pursue your passions is by creating streams of passive income.

Let’s inspire one another by listening and learning from our guest:

Today, Carolyn B McCollum joins me to tell us about how she enjoyed simultaneous careers as an attorney, flight attendant, and skin care and glamour consultant and talk about passive income.

So, let's get started! TUNE IN NOW to start listening to the podcast!

And don't forget to subscribe and receive monthly tips on a holistic approach to winning with wealth.

Here are some resources you can access to become empowered with your money.

Herfinance Resources:

Access The Money Belief Formula: Mindset + Behavior = Financial Success. Transform Your Habits and Win With Wealth. Author: Susan M. Diamond Visit our website and subscribe to our blog   Click here and discover the secrets of successful financial self-care! Schedule a FREE Money Blueprint Assessment

Connect with  Carolyn B. McCollum :

Facebook: Skin Care, Cash & Confidence for Your Next Chapter.