This episode contains a discussion on eating disorders from 58:20 to 1:10:00. If you're struggling with an eating disorder, call the National Eating Disorder Association hotline at 1-800-931-2237 or visit

Welcome to Tayshia’s 4th week as the Bachelorette!

And wouldn’t you know it, that just happens to be Very Sad Personal Story week -- not to mention I’m Starting To Fall In Love week. Like very romantic clockwork.

Here to help us unpack all the drama and trauma is friend of the pod and cohost of the forthcoming Bachelor podcast “Baby Got Bach,” Brett Vergara!

Our call to action this week:

Good friend of the pod Ashley Spivey lost her baby over Thanksgiving weekend. In addition to this inexplicably cruel and painful loss, she has also experienced harassment from the anti-vaxx community.

If you want to donate in Ashley and her baby CJ’s names, we’d like to suggest the Star Legacy Foundation, which funds research about stillbirth, and provides families dealing with the grief of pregnancy loss with resources, education and support.

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