Here For The Truth hosted by Joel Rafidi and Yerasimos Stilianessis

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Vangelis Kozi Russos is a holistic healer and health freedom activist. He specializes in nutrition, lifestyle modification, and energy healing. 

In this episode we discuss Kozi’s transformation from passive energy healer to empowered activist and freedom fighter on the front lines in New York City.

We share a very fired up and inspirational dialogue questioning the mainstream narrative and imploring the sleeping masses to wake up. We provide solutions and encouragement that humanity will overcome this attempted tyrannical overthrow should each one of us answer the call.

Topics covered:

The run-up to the so-called p@nd3mic. Mama Kozi and the rebellious nature of OG Greeks. Becoming your own doctor. The mechanisms of energy healing. EMFs and their impact on physiology and how to mitigate. Answering the call to becoming a truth warrior. NYC during the sc@md3mic. Political hypocrisy and anti-life forces. Superpowers of health. Victimhood conditioning. Tyranny and the need for safety and security. Freedom activism in NYC. Rational thinking as the antidote to propaganda.

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