Here For The Truth hosted by Joel Rafidi and Yerasimos Stilianessis

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Ali Zeck is a health and medical freedom advocate sharing her story and experience with the world in order to educate and liberate people from the dangers of Big Pharma drugs and help them to tune into their own power.

Ali shares her personal and incredibly inspiring story of surviving Big Pharma, psychiatric drugs and multiple suicide attempts along with the effect these drugs have, breaking narcissistic relationships and stepping into freedom through healing her trauma.

Ali implores us to further adopt self-responsibility as a means of exiting the matrix. We discuss the government as a branch of psychopathy and so much more in this deep and personal podcast.

Topics covered:

Narcissism vs psychopathy. Gaslighting and allopathic medicine indoctrination. Akathisia and other effects of psychiatric drugs. Turning points on the road to healing. Flipping the script on the stigma of mental illness. The impact of trauma and recovering as a family. Modern medicine and Big Pharma as a religion. The tentacles of the matrix and distrust of celebrity culture. Trauma-bonding with government. The shadow side of the truth community. Personal responsibility as a pathway to freedom. Signposts on the authentic path. Pseudo rites of passage.

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