Confession: I used to struggle with promoting my business and speaking about my products and services due to the fear of making sales.

My fear caused me to avoid answering calls and even pass on potential sales opportunities to my partner.

This fear can stem from various reasons such as a lack of confidence, unclear messaging, vulnerability, or feeling physically or emotionally at risk.

However, confident and clear communication can help build trust and lead to successful sales.

In this episode of the HerBusiness podcast, we will discuss 7 ways fear may be hindering sales for female business owners and provide solutions and examples from other women who have overcome their fear.

Join us as we delve into the limiting mindsets that may be holding you back and preventing you from making a greater impact in your business.

You’ll hear:

How Alex’s experience with a ‘used car salesman’ convinced her of how she did NOT want to sell. And, how she now confidently serves her clients and asks for the sale without fear. Why your past traumas don’t need to be reflected in your current reality. How and where to share your wins without the fear of being ‘braggy’. What to do when you’re promoting a new business, market, offer, or product or service for the first time. How getting to know your ideal client and their pain points and challenges helps you put the fear of selling aside, and instead have you making your offers confidently. One woman’s ‘aha’ that the behaviour of staying silent may have served her as a child, but is now hindering her ability to grow her business.

Mentioned in This Episode:

What to Do When You Find Yourself Unfocused or Overwhelmed The HerBusiness Network Marketing Success Mastermind The REACH Retreat HerBusiness FREE Community for Women Business Owners