Do you struggle with showing up for your potential clients without feeling pushy?

It can be a tough balance to strike, but it's an important one.

This podcast episode explores the topic of "Showing Up" for potential clients without coming across as pushy or salesy.

Building strong relationships with potential clients is essential for success in the business world.

Often, our feeling of being pushy is underpinned by a fear of being seen as pushy or ‘too much’.

In this episode, we discuss:

-> The importance of showing up for potential clients and building relationships with them.

-> Tips for showing up authentically, offering value, being transparent, and following up without being pushy.

-> The importance of proactively asking for the sale regularly so that you can sell more products and services.

-> The fear of being visible and standing out and how to overcome it.

-> Knowing your purpose for showing up and being true to that purpose is important.

-> How to understand your potential client's needs and pain points and offer solutions to help them.

-> The concept of "Connection Moves" and the importance of becoming known by the people who can open doors for you, refer clients to you, and do business with you.

We also discuss the importance of regularly asking for the sale and the fear that can come with it and offer tips for overcoming that fear and becoming more comfortable making offers. We emphasise the importance of showing up and being visible to reach more people and grow your business.

Mentioned in This Episode:

-> The HerBusiness Network

-> Marketing Success Mastermind