Now more than ever, our connections are so crucial to the growth of our business. We want to be deeply connected to the right people to have solid and sustainable businesses, no matter what the economy throws at us.

In this episode, I share the most overlooked and misunderstood approach for growing a lucrative network that brings you sales, connections and support and works EVEN for introverts or people who hate networking.

OK, so let's get started…

Firstly, this episode is ALL ABOUT YOU and how you can avoid the five big connection-breaking mistakes business owners make!

So, If you know you have a great product, but you remain the "best-kept secret."

Or, you have people say they love what you're doing, but they don't seem to buy

Maybe you need to get more leads or sales.

Or, you're giving lots of value but don't know how to ask for the sale

Or maybe you're struggling to communicate the value of your products and services

You're in the right place.

Getting more clients and feeling like you have a flow of business opportunities coming your way comes down to recognising these 5 Ways You're Isolating Yourself From New Clients and Connections.

These mistakes prevent you from getting the desired results - more clients, growth, and profit.

Here's a sneak peek at what we cover in this episode:

-> The effortless changes you can make to your approach to get more connected and comfortable with what feels natural to you.

-> How to create long-term mutually-beneficial relationships.

-> How to steer yourself away from transactional, superficial and often self-sabotaging actions.

-> The first thing to do if you want others to recognise you as having the solutions they need in their businesses and feel an authentic rapport with you.

-> Madonna's advice about asking for what you want and why it's a lesson we can all learn from.

-> The simple method that I've used to make thousands and thousands of dollars in business and have clients stay with me for years

Mentioned in This Episode:

-> The HerBusiness Connection Scale

-> HerBusiness Network

-> Episode 205 - Your Business Everest: Lessons in Big Goals, Strategy, Preparation and Community – with Peter Johnston (PJ)

-> Samantha Konyeshi of - MY UNO Drafting and Design