If you are feeling...

Overwhelmed? "Scattered" or "Swamped"? Like you have TOO Many Things on the To-Do List Confused by all the options and "Bright Shiny Objects."

Or, if you're:

Wondering which strategy to put your energy into next Laying awake at night second-guessing yourself or just flat-out feeling stressed and confused? Looking at all the parts of your business and thinking, "there's not enough of me to go around?"

… what we're talking about in this episode of the HerBusiness podcast ends that turmoil and uncertainty.

Because in this episode, we'll zone into five essential things you should focus on when you find yourself unfocused or overwhelmed.

By the end of this episode, you'll have some specific things to work on and a few resources I've created that will help you along the way.

While simple, the five steps we'll cover can be challenging. It's a mind shift to start thinking strategically about your business.

These five steps help you understand where to focus and feel like you have ample time to do the right things and the things that matter instead of racing around trying to do everything and burning yourself out.

Here’s a sneak peek.

1. Set Your Vision - Where are you headed in the next 12 months?

2. Create Your Plan - How will you get to that Big Kahuna 12-month vision? What projects will you put on your schedule that will directly lead to your 12-month Vision, and what can you remove because it is a distraction?

3. Master Your Message - Create and refine your Connection Statement® and use it to open doors of opportunity for yourself.

4. Simplify Your Marketing Plan - - how will you attract, convert and keep more of your ideal clients? I encourage you to create your one-page plan. It makes thinking about your marketing so much easier.

5. Choose Your Growth Zones. What business area is most important for you to focus on right now?

I’ve included links below to resources that can really help. And, for more personalised support and coaching and access to an incredible community of other women business owners, request your invitation to join us inside the HerBusiness Network.

Mentioned in This Episode:

-> Back-of-the-Napkin Marketing Plan

-> HerBusiness Strategic Planning Framework

-> The 3 x 3 Secret to Creating Your Best Year Ever

-> Connection Statement® Template

-> The Plan That Gets More People Buying From You

-> HerBusiness Network

-> The REACH Retreat

-> Marketing Success Mastermind