I just returned from spending a week attending the Business Mastermind I belong to. It was a powerful time to evaluate my business and look at what is working and what needs a different or fresh approach.

In this episode, I’m sharing five of the most important questions you could be asking yourself to get more clarity, focus on your business, and fine-tune your business model and marketing.

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Why being clear on the ways you’re getting people into your world takes the pressure down and saves you time and energy. How choosing what you want people to buy first gets prospects buying faster and reduces the amount of marketing you need. Why asking for the sale is an essential and ACTIVE part of success in your business. How to identify and eliminate the bottlenecks that are stopping you from reaching your goals. What to do next to take your business to the next level. Mentioned in This Episode: The HerBusiness Network HerBusiness Marketing Success Mastermind