Imagine getting new clients, building a community of people around you who support you and sending you referrals and gaining brand new confidence to show up more on social media and build your profile.

In this interview with three of our HerBusiness members, you’ll see how an investment of just 1-2 hours a week and less than $20 a week in their business has given these women (and many like them):

Connections to regularly do business with Regularly practical help and support A network that they can call on in almost any situation for trusted advice A flow of leads from people who know them Community and a group of business besties that they love to be around to talk all things business A waitlist of clients they love to work with More profitable businesses Referrals and collaborations come their way regularly

If you’re a woman business owner looking to get on the road to a more profitable, scalable 6 or 7-figure business, you’ll really enjoy today’s episode.

Our Guests Include:

Zoe Heard from Get Heard is an email strategist and copywriter. She helps online retailers who sell products for the home and products for children to make sales via email and grow a thriving eCommerce business. Zoe has generated over $24,900 in the last 18 months working with other members.

Amy Lou Wilson is a passionate advocate of global mindfulness education for the 21st century. She is the founder of Yoga Seeds, teaching mindful movement, breath work & personal development to children, adolescents & staff within the early childhood and state school system. Amy has only been a member for a short time; however, she has made quite a few business connections by simply showing up and then speaking up about what she does. Amy has a lucrative collaboration in the pipeline. And she regularly shares genuine conversations about business and life and shares resources with her Goals Groups (our FREE HerBusiness Accountability Groups for members).

Kristen Melville of Biz Marketer helps service-based small business owners who've struggled to get consistent results from their marketing. Always the 'quiet achiever' for her clients, being part of HerBusiness has helped Kristen get more comfortable with being the face of her business and starting to build her profile. Kristen'sbecome a LOT more focused on where and HOW she shows up on Social Media, which means she's more aligned with her values and how she wants to run her business.

Mentioned in This Episode:

The HerBusiness Network