We're doing something a little different in this episode of the HerBusiness podcast.

Recently we ran a free online training called: My Breakthrough Business Success Strategy.

And we had such great feedback that I wanted to share it with you.

Four Business Owners Share the ‘One Thing’ that Made the Biggest Difference When Growing Their 7-Figure Businesses.

As you’ll hear, our four experts are experienced business owners who’ve had BIG breakthroughs in business… and have successfully grown MULTIPLE businesses.

These experts are mentors on our amazing REACH Retreat program - a five-day program for women business owners.
REACH is the program women have called “Life-Changing,” “Transformational,” and “The Best Gift I Ever Gave Myself”.
And it is Back for 2022...

In this training, our mentors share things they usually ONLY reserve for Retreat participants.

And, they share the ‘ONE THING’ that has been the most important part of their business success

You’ll leave with greater insights on:

What to do BEFORE you envision a future (so that you don’t keep repeating the same mistakes) A strategic way to create a vision that pulls you forward What your plan may not be working (and how to think about your business from a high level) The surprising secret behind the most powerful connection you can have inside your business And why YOU need to be the chief flag bearer for your dreams

Sound good? Let’s dive in.

Mentioned in This Episode:

The REACH Retreat