It’s a VERY good day when a business owner you’ve been cheering on hits that magical 6-figure mark!

And naturopath and menopause expert Angela Counsel has an AMAZING story about her journey to that awesome milestone (including how she almost gave up right before she had her BIGGEST breakthrough!).

When Angela Counsel joined the HerBusiness Network, she gave herself and her new business “one year.” She was, in her words, going to either “fold or fly.”

At the time, she struggled to make even $10,000 - $20,000 revenue per year selling her courses aimed at helping women thrive in Menopause. When the opportunity to take part in the 30-Day Mastermind Experience program came up, she grabbed it with both hands…

During those 30 days, she got her marketing strategy dialled in and had a BIG a-ha! about a big mistake she was making with her approach.

Based on those solid foundations, she went on to transform her results, filling her high-dollar embrace program and hitting that magical $100,000 milestone!

Angela completely overhauled her business and marketing approach to have a massive breakthrough with an EXISTING program she had that wasn’t performing. And the results were truly incredible. She went from getting 3 or 4 people each time she ran the program to 40 people!

It was a total TRANSFORMATION and a real thrill to see her do so well.

In this episode, we speak with Angela and discover:

How Angela blew past her goal to reach 1,000 women to grow an email list of 7,000 What she’s outsourcing so that she can focus on her clients. Angela's shift from ‘chasing everything’ to doing things ‘with a purpose’. The ‘Big Kahuna’ that is keeping Angela’s eye on the prize and allowing her to work less How traditional networking events were keeping Angela’s business connections small The collaborations that are helping Angela expand her reach to more and more ideal clients

The Secret to Thriving in Menopause
Click here to get all the details

Mentioned in This Episode:

The Marketing Success Mastermind The HerBusiness Network Anita McLachlan - Sequins and Sand Fiona Keary - Style Liberation The FREE HerBusiness Community on Facebook