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We give a lot of attention, rightly so, to the sins we have committed both intentionally and unintentionally. But do you ever give thought to the sin of omission, the sin committed purely by NOT taking action? Not sure what we are talking about? Think about the moments where you have ignored the call to do good work, God's work. 

 James 4:17 reads, If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is sin for them.

We need to be paying just as much attention to those moments when we don’t do what we ought to do. Repenting, with a heart to change and grow. 

I first heard Jacinda speak about this in 2022 and decided to have her on to help us unpack it a little further.. We discuss what this looks like in the day to day, what scripture has to say about it, how it impacts our faith, along with some practical steps (cue the 5 P’s!)  on how to help us grow in this area. Promise you, you will greatly benefit from hearing this one. I have seen great change in my own life from it, I have no doubt you will as well. 

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