This week Ivy Slater, host of Her Success Story, chats with her guest, Starr Oldorff. The two talk about scaling and growing in the fulcrum of balance, and how Done4U™ solves problems and furthers businesses by bringing in efficiency and processes unbound by current thinking. Ivy says to Starr, “You bring the sense of innovation and advancement, and you push me there.”

In this episode, we discuss:


How Starr found her way into the business of virtual business management

What types of problems most often present themselves in the businesses that Done4U™ works with

How Starr and her team are able to problem solve, create space, and offer quality of life to their clients

The value that Ivy says has been brought to her team by working for Slater Success’ back end, and the innovation  and advancement that’s been provided

How they have been using AI as an efficiency and integration tool to streamline every part of business, and advice on how to best use ChatGPT  to propel your business

 How to grow and scale while remaining in the fulcrum of balance

The long list of tasks that the Done4U™ team handles for their clients

My great appreciation for the integrity in Starr from a business and personal perspective,  and the many ways that she has moved Slater Success forward


Starr Oldorff is an Online Business Manager and the Founder and CEO of Done4U™, a business management and support services agency. Along with her team of virtual business specialists, she and her team of specialists provide support to growth-focused service-based entrepreneurs and small business owners in the areas of digital marketing and administrative operations, strategy, systems, processes, and business management. Her team manages multiple brands both locally and across the US and has dealt with just about every virtual business challenge possible.

The seed of owning a virtual assistant company was first planted when she was working on a project with a non-profit board member who told her that she was so good at what she did that she should become a virtual assistant and start her own company. The idea resonated with her, but she wanted to finish her BSBA and would have to figure out how to build a virtual company.

Then, opportunity came her way. Someone who knew Starr’s small business/non-profit experience and skillset asked me to come work for her in her virtual assistant company. She almost said no because she didn't have a clear picture of the online business model.

Being a firm believer in grasping opportunity when it presents itself, she jumped in and continued to work a regular job until she became profitable enough to enter the world of entrepreneurship and owning a business full time. She bootstrapped her business from solopreneur to thriving business management services agency, providing virtual business management and support services to clients nationwide.
