Welcome back my Clan of the Crave Bears! We have two great and interesting interviews for you today ,but first I want to make sure you know that we are having a picnic. That’s right! We are having our very first Crave Bear Picnic: August 14th in my hometown Portland, Oregon. So let’s have a picnic! On August 14th at Arbor Lodge Park in the Arbor Lodge neighborhood in Portland, Oregon. Come out 5 to 7pm pacific time. I would love to see you and meet you. Bring something to share, bring yourself, your family. I’m going to bring my family and it’s going to be super fun.

This week we are starting something new on the Crave Cast. A lot of you, including me, have a spiritual bent. Many of us are curious about spirit, we pray, we meditate, we connect to the earth, we have our own version of connection with something bigger. So I decided to have my dear friend Monica Kenton on the show. I call Monica when I need a little spiritual re-tuning. I asked Monica if she would be part of an experiment and be our spiritual guide. Help us bring more spiritual energy into our lives whether its God, the Universe, Spirit or whatever you call it. Monica agreed to come on the show once a month to tell us her perspective and help guide us a little bit. She is a wonderful spiritual mentor and trained in several different modalities from ancient wisdom, modern day spiritual practices, trained as a shaman and she is very socially conscience. She really wants to help people make a life they love while making a difference to the planet. Monica is going to tell us what’s happening right now and what are the energies of August and what actions can we take from this spiritual guidance to really awesome results. Be sure to listen all the way through!

After Monica, I am going to be interviewing Jamie Martin, the head editor at Experience Life Magazine. I was so honored to be on the cover of Experience Life Magazine a couple of months ago. I’m having her on the show to talk about as an experienced publisher what inspires her and what is she looking for next in terms of trends in this healthy living world. 

You can read the full show notes and access all the links and resources at www.alexandrajamieson.com/99