Thank you for being here! I feel truly thankful that I get to share this work with you all. Thank you for your time and attention. I see your commitment to your work and your creative expression, your health, relationships, and putting in the time and resources to be fully expressed in this short time we have here in this lifetime. Your work matters. Your work is important...I believe that.

What’s a Creatrix? What’s Creative Leadership?

Creatrix is an old word that means "she who creates; authoress; feminine founder."

Creative Leadership means…leading in a way that embraces life-long learning; this leader is someone who handles change with creative thinking skills and a “I can figure this out” attitude; this leader is as committed to their own autonomy, free from past limiting beliefs, as well as committing to connecting to others; this leader commits to bringing their unique voice and vision to the world in the service of their own abundance and the uplifting of others.

4 things we'll cover in this episode:

What Creatrix Leadership IS, why it's important in this fast-changing economy, and how to grow yours in 2020 The remedies for Imposter Syndrome, "being seen," overwhelm, confusion, and fear of judgment (it’s all about shame) Connect with your Inner Authority for self-trust and get better at making good decisions, fast.

For more, sign up for the Creatrix 2020 Training, January 8th, here: