I’m always looking for topics I find inspiring and thought-provoking in this time when we as women feel uncertain, unheard, and like we are losing hope. Today’s show is all about hope and change--and how young, intelligent women are making a difference!

Andrea Flores is the co-writer of a new book, Yes She Can: 10 Stories of Hope & Change from Young Female Staffers of the Obama White House. Andrea is a lawyer in Washington, DC, and served as the regional director for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign. She spent 3 years in several key positions in the Obama White House and worked on the immigration bill that failed to get passed. Before that, she worked in New Mexico on the local government level. She was the first Latinx student body president in the history of Harvard University and graduated from Columbia Law School. (Latinx is a gender-neutral term used to refer to those of Latin origin.)

You can read the full show notes at www.alexandrajamieson.com/224.