Welcome back to the Crave Cast! Today I will be talking about the 3 mindset tricks for any cleanse or detox, diet, exercise etc. Mindset is everything! That’s why I fell in love with positive psychology. A funny example of this comes from my kid from this past weekend. My husband and I decided that we love musicals so much that we wanted to show my kid. We started with “Chorus Line”. My kid fell in love with this, especially the number where there is acrobatics. My son decided he needed to start working out to be like the actor/dancer he saw in that number. He did a lot of push-ups, sit-ups and other exercises on Saturday. On Sunday, he came to me and told me that when he exercises that it makes his stomach hurt. I explained to him that this is normal and that sometimes you will be sore to get what you really want in life. This was a great mindset moment for us! Also, I have a special announcement so make sure you take note!

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