It’s easy (perhaps even addictive!) to sink into negativity whenever you hit a bump. But what would happen if you were to focus on the solution rather than the problem? In this episode, Kristel will be unveiling her number one tool to overcome stress, overwhelm, and anxiety. Learn how to protect your energy by applying her three-step process whenever you come across a hurdle in life. Whether you’re experiencing conflict at work, in relationships, or within yourself, you can use this tool to help overcome any adversity that you come across in your life! 



When do you need this tool?   How to find gratitude.  Learning to surrender to the situation.  Looking for the lesson.  Choosing your next move in alignment with your vision. 



“What you focus on grows, and what you give energy to is what you attract.”

“Every mess has a message. Every breakdown has a breakthrough. Every test has a testimony.”



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