Pooja and  Saroya talk about her journey to finding the freedom to express her authentic self as an elite athlete at an Ivy League university and as a professional athlete in the Premier Hockey Federation. Pooja and Saroya discuss strategies to overcome limiting beliefs, imposter syndrome and fear of failure as well as defining success and a purpose beyond one's individual accomplishments.

Follow  Saroya:

You can find Saroya and keep up with her work and mentorship initiatives at:

On Instagram @saroyatinker71

Mentorship on Instagram  @saroyastrong


For more from Host Pooja Mottl:  https://www.poojamottl.com/

Podcast Producer: https://www.go-toproductions.com/

Twitter @PoojaMottl: https://twitter.com/poojamottl


@TheCalmandFreePodcast https://www.instagram.com/thecalmandfreepodcast/

and @PoojaMottl https://www.instagram.com/poojamottl/

LinkedIn: @PoojaMottl  https://www.linkedin.com/in/poojamottl/

Special Thanks : 

Kris Kosach of the TPR Podcast for lending her VO for our Podcast Intro: https://www.sites.google.com/view/textproserocknroll/home

Jessica Panian https://www.jessicapanian.com/ for her help with our graphic design: https://www.jessicapanian.com/

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