Welcome back, everyone! August is a month that brings forth change and transition, for better or for worse. Moms, in particular, know this feeling well, because August means back to school, back to routine, and back into the same patterns that might have left you feeling “stuck” in the past. Ana learned this week through life’s very unscripted moments that feeling “stuck” really sucks, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be a negative thing.

Feeling out of control is just that, a feeling. The beauty of our emotions is that they inform us about our environment. Life has slowed you down and forced you to pause, so use that time! It is in those moments of stillness that we can begin to understand our feelings.

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Links mentioned in the show:

Shine Retreat for Women, Sept 29th-Oct 1st, 2017,



Lisa Branco

Shine Retreat for Women Sponsor

Stella and Dot Consultant

[email protected]

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