Do you truly understand what it means to have a boundary? Or do understand, but still, find that you have difficulty in maintaining your boundaries? If this is so for you, listen in today, as Anna dives further into her theme for this month, Creating A Soft Landing and find out more about creating and keeping your boundaries.

Anna knows that it's quite an abstract theme, so she's finding it fun to dive in and really explore it in depth. Listen in as Anna takes you to the next level and looks at how and why you really need to create a soft landing with the idea of boundaries.




Shine Retreat For Women:


Anna asks you to go to her Facebook Page- Her Life Unscripted and give it a like, so that you can stay in touch with her.

Her Life Unscripted

Shine Retreat for Women, Sept 29th-Oct 1st, 2017,


Women Who Shine

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