Mari Lee, my co-host for the upcoming Shine Retreat for Women, and I would like to extend a personal invitation for you to join us September 27th - 29th, at this restorative women’s retreat, the ultimate self-care weekend where every woman is welcomed. You will be among friends! I encourage you to email me or Mari Lee at [email protected] to receive a $50 discount code off registration. Shine Retreat is limited to 40 women, and it’s filling up fast, so be sure to register at


On today’s podcast, I’m here to share with you about this last week and want to hear your feedback and learn from your wisdom.


Do you ever have those weeks where you’re cruising along, you’ve got a to-do list, and you get some things done, but it’s not a matter of life or death if you don’t?


Last week I had a huge list of things that had to be done, but the way I had poorly planned my schedule I was going to fall miserably short.


Being an optimist, I see the glass as half-full. Therefore, when I look at a project, I think it won’t take any time at all, but in reality, it needs more time than originally estimated. So that’s what happened last week. I had more than I could possibly handle, and I made a lot of promises that I could not fulfill, and I let a lot of people down.


Please join me as I delve into negative head chatter, the way we talk to ourselves, and the unrealistic expectations we hold for ourselves. Let’s explore what happens when we lean into our disappointments and failures. Let’s talk about grace.



Show Highlights:


Optimists see the glass as half-full and may underestimate the time it takes to complete a task. Learning to listen to negative head chatter and what it can tell us  Leaning into our disappointments Apologizing and offering to make things right when we’ve fallen short Why do we give others grace that we won’t extend to ourselves? Shame that smashes into sense of self based on an action We need to allow ourselves to make mistakes, to be human. Three ways we can learn to stop verbally and emotionally assaulting ourselves when we mess up: You must work on the shame. Reach out to your community and the people you’ve fallen short with and have a conversation.  Be open to the idea that what you’re categorizing as disappointment may be totally unrealistic. Sometimes, the expectations we set for ourselves are not on anybody else’s radar. The three steps can also work in other areas that clutter up headspace, aside from leaning into your disappointments. Cleaning up your headspace is the most important piece when it comes to our need to be able to move forward from our mistakes.





Her Life Unscripted Facebook Page, give it a LIKE!


Book Mentioned: John C. Maxwell, Failing Forward


Special Invitation:


Shine Retreat is coming up September 27th - 29th, 2019.  


Registration at:


Email me at [email protected] to receive a $50 discount code off registration.


You can also reach me at [email protected].


“Shine Retreat” is limited to 40 women.