Halle Eavelyn is a dynamic and powerful transformational coach, speaker, and writer who helps people go from struggle to flow, breaking through old blocks so they can gain clarity and freedom.

Drawing on over 30 years of business experience in software, real estate, the movie business and travel, and a variety of intuitive modalities, Halle’s work is deep and extremely fast, with clients experiencing powerful shifts easily. Halle takes on private and group clients when they are ready for extraordinary growth.

Halle has been interviewed by Time Magazine, USA Today, Good Morning America, Wealth TV and most of the world’s major newspapers. She has spoken all over the country as well, for institutes such as Vanderbilt University to bookstores like Barnes & Noble.

Her acclaimed spiritual travel memoir, Red Goddess Rising, tells the story of her spiritual awakening in Egypt and the trips she has led up the Nile for the past several years. A former blogger for The Huffington Post on personal transformation and the intersection of spirituality & travel and many other travel publications, her newest book is called 100 Ways To Be In Joy.

Halle is also the Transformational Business Strategist for the High-End Client Program at Core Digital Marketing, the LinkedIn business experts.  Along with her private coaching, she currently offers Goddess Knows, a small sacred group coaching program for women. She also has a free Facebook group, Money Mind Spirit, where you can go to plug into great resources to shift.