For the complete set of show notes you can go to Don’t miss this two part series where we have guest expert Jay Fleischman share with us the real low down on what you need to know when it comes to student loans.  If you haven’t listened to Part 1 (HMM 68), go do that first! What you'll learn about in today's episode:

What exactly consolidation is and when to consolidate
What NOT to do with your federal student loan 
The real deal on the Obama Student Loan Forgiveness Plan
A BIG tip to save you money on those student loans

Also, to help you gain clarity on your money so you aren’t paying student loans forever, don’t forget to grab your free Jumpstart Your Money Mini-Guide over at!  If you are interested in more money conversations be sure to continue join us in our FREE community over here: Enjoy this episode and want more? Be sure to subscribe and leave us a review on iTunes. By you doing that will help us reach more women like you. It’s easy, here is how