Nathan wasn’t prepared for this. With no warning from Travis about what was coming, he finally watched the conclusion to Kamen Rider’s two-part fight with Chameleon-Man over the (Yahtzee) treasure—and it might be the biggest “What the henshin?!” moment of the entire series! It could be described using a line from an old hymn: “Up from the grave he arose!” But then the madness continued in the next episode, which features the gaudiest of Shocker’s generals: Bee Woman, a kaijin with…questionable fashion sense. Seriously, who thinks of blue and purple first when they see a bee? And let’s not even bring up her, well…“spiral bra.” Also, Nathan the author says he should buy a cool mask so he can be the “Kamen Writer” (ba-dum tssh). All joking aside, Nathan and Travis have a surprisingly deep discussion about how Hongo’s secret identity relates to Japan’s shame-based culture and men’s aversion to admitting when they’ve been victimized. Welcome to Henshin Men, where absurdity and profundity hold hands and morph into the podcast equivalent of Kamen Rider W. (You’re welcome, Travis. Signed, Nathan).

Kamen Rider (1971) is available to watch on Shout!Factory TV and Tubi. Watch there to follow along with us!