Just when you thought Shocker couldn’t get more evil, it turns out the secret society bent on world domination has ties to another group that rhymes with Yahtzees! Who’d have thunk it?

Yes, Travis and Nathan continue their journey through classic Kamen Rider in an episode that risks getting banned on YouTube due to the necessary naming of a certain WWII political party in Germany. This time Shocker unleashes the diabolical Mantis-Man and Chameleon-Man—and drives Nathan crazy because episode six ends on a cliffhanger! Also, your intrepid hosts issue a retraction for saying Scorpion-Man and not Mantis-Man turned his victims into beaded necklaces that get sucked away like spaghetti noodles. All this and more in the latest edition of Henshin Men!


Kamen Rider (1971) is available to watch on Shout!Factory TV and Tubi.