Change is great. You go first. That's the first thing I thought about when Todd said, "Everybody wants to grow, but no one wants to change." That quote came from Todd Hockenberry's book, Inbound Organization: How to Build and Strengthen Your Company’s Future Using Inbound Principles. What does this have to do with helping sells? Everything. The entire philosophy of inbound marketing is based on the premise of being helpful...producing helpful and educational marketing that gives value first, educates people, and draws people in. But inbound is not just about marketing. Or even sales. As Todd talks about on the show, what if you marketing and sales teams are practicing educational and helpful inbound marketing and selling techniques, but then customers sign up and the rest of the organization (think customer success, legal, support teams) do not? Easy, you start to lose trust with customers and might even lose their business. The entire organization must learn to embrace inbound principles.

"How?" You might ask. 

Todd gives one good example. What if a legal team could ask themselves, "How could we make our terms and conditions easy for customers to understand and useful enough that customers would want to sign them?" This can happen. With the right attitude and the right organizational culture that embraces a helpful approach to all customer interactions. 

This is how organizations can change, do something new, in order to find new customers and create new markets. 

Learn more about Todd Hockenberry:

His book: His website: On Linkedin:

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