I wanted to talk to Paul Rush, founder of Substantial, a digital product studio, because he has an important point of view on selling without being in hardcore selling. Like you, Paul does not come from a hardcore sales background. Although his background is computer science and your background is in post-sales, customer-facing roles, you both are selling everyday without being in sales. Whereas Paul is selling his company services to prospects, you are selling product features, service offerings, and especially selling renewals to your software. And yet we don't think of our selves as in sales. 

Please, if you learn one thing from this podcast learn this: You are in sales no matter what your job title is. And it's not that scary. Selling does not have to be about convincing people to buy from you. It is more about creating an environment that draws people to you and want to buy from you. There is science out there that indicates people buy from people they like. So all you have to do is increase the frequency at which you engage with customers. Be engaging. Be helpful. Be likable. If you do that, your customers will trust you more, and they will likely buy from you again. You will start making warm introductions between your customers and account executives at renewal time and (dare I say) you might help make these renewals with up sells.

I can't wait for you to listen to this episode. 

Learn more about Paul:

His Company, Substantial: http://substantial.com Medium Blog: https://medium.com/substantial/tagged/blog Paul is not on social media. He prefers real relationship building. So no links to social media accounts will be shown here.  Tell us what you think of Helping Sells Radio

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