“Don’t die wondering” – the quote and value that Laura Siddall, professional triathlete, stands by to help drive her when making big decisions. How could incorporating this same value in your life impact the way you make decisions, whether they be personal, or business-related?

Laura made a big leap from using sport as a hobby alongside her corporate job, to fully committing to sport, triathlon specifically, as her profession. Laura explains how she was excited to see where her limits may be within the sport when fully committing to it. Laura shares the obstacles, personal failures, and lessons that she encountered when making this leap and has ultimately learnt to not be fearful of what the result of a decision may be and to just try because you don’t know what the outcome may be until you try.

Watch the full episode on YouTube:
Connect with Laura:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/laura-siddall-120a51/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lmsid/
Website: https://laurasiddall.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/lmsiddall
Email: [email protected]


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