Hear Chico Chakravorty, founder and managing consultant of Doing Diversity Differently, discuss how organisations can enhance their diversity, inclusion and belonging culture.

Chico explains how organisations can integrate genuine behavioural changes within diversity and inclusion by understanding that it will be a continual journey of learning, and by taking accountability for this learning by questioning how to bridge certain gaps in the knowledge. Chico says how we will often learn from making mistakes, and rather than panicking and brushing off mistakes made, it’s important to acknowledge them and learn how we can move away from these mistakes in the future.

Having a diverse team, with people from different ethnic origins, different genders, and different cognitive abilities can lead to greater success in organisations.


Watch the full episode on YouTube:
Connect with Chico:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chicochakravorty/
Website: http://doingdiversitydifferently.com/
Email: [email protected]


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