I believe anyone deserves a second chance after serving time, depending on several factors including what type of crime they committed, at what age did they commit the crime, and if they have been rehabilitated. Millions of Americans have felony convictions. If you're one of them, then you know that good jobs aren't easy to come by. In fact, securing any kind of employment at all is often the biggest challenge for ex-offenders and felons in this country. Opportunities can seem slim to none.

However, finding felony-friendly jobs is not impossible. Many ex-convicts are offered second chances. You can be one of them. But, first, it's important to remember a couple of things:

You must put in the work
Everything depends on you and what moves you make

It’s time to strategize like you never have before

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Felon Help:

37 Jobs for Felons That Offer a Good Second Chance:
