II Chronicles 11 recounts the early reign of Rehoboam, Solomon's son, after the kingdom of Israel splits. Initially, Rehoboam plans to mobilize an army from Judah and Benjamin to regain control over the northern tribes that followed Jeroboam. However, the prophet Shemaiah delivers a message from God, instructing Rehoboam not to fight against his fellow Israelites. Obeying God's command, Rehoboam disbands the army.
Following this, Rehoboam strengthens his rule over Judah. He fortifies several key cities, including Bethlehem, Etam, Tekoa, and others, ensuring they are well-provisioned and defensible. Rehoboam also benefits from the support of priests and Levites who leave the northern kingdom due to Jeroboam's idolatrous practices, thereby bolstering the spiritual and political stability of his kingdom.
Rehoboam establishes a network of family alliances by marrying multiple wives and having numerous children, whom he strategically positions throughout his fortified cities. For the first three years of his reign, Rehoboam and his kingdom walk in the ways of David and Solomon, experiencing a period of relative faithfulness and stability.

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