Inspiration… it breathes life into our writing! It takes a boring thought
and turns it into a piece of art that we can be proud of.  

Inspiration… it breathes life into our writing! It takes a boring thought and turns it into a piece of art that we can be proud of.  

Quick little fact: the word inspire is derived from the Latin word incoquo, which means to inflame or to blow in to. When you inspire something, it is as if you are blowing air over a low flame to make it grow. [source] 

So how do you find inspiration? That creative spark? The motivation behind your muse? 

It’s all around you! 

Here are some easy exercises you can do that will help get you out of that inspirational rut and back on the break of brilliance!  

1.)    Take a walk. 

And I don’t just mean a walk on the treadmill, I mean get outside if you can! Get your blood pumping and mind working. Try exploring a new place, or it could just be your favorite place. While on your walk, look around you and take mental notes of everything you see. 

No distractions either! Put the phone away! 

What animals do you see? What sounds do you hear? How are other people interacting with each other? Do they look like someone you know? Or maybe they could be similar to one of the characters you are writing about.  

I call this “people watching”, and it is one of my favorite things to incorporate into my writing. Observing is learning.  

2.)    Listen to music. 

For this, I suggest really focusing on your mood and what you want to listen to.  

You could just want to recharge your mind – make a playlist of relaxing songs without words, go to a place free of distractions, pop in some headphones and just listen! What is the music telling you? What is your mind telling you? 

Then there are other times where you want to be hyped up and motivated – make a playlist of those songs that you can’t help but blast and dance do in the car, go somewhere that you won’t be embarrassed by what you’re about to do, and let loose! Dance like nobody is watching, or maybe do some exercise with it. Let your body feel the music and get yourself psyched up for a productive writing spree! 

3.)    Write, write, and then write some more.  

Whether it’s pen and paper or breaking out the keyboard, get the words flowing from your mind and down those fingers. If you’re stuck on your book (or whatever project you’re working on) write about something else, anything and everything that comes to your mind.  

This enables you to visualize all the ideas that are flowing out of your head and look at what works vs. what doesn’t work.  

It’s okay to make mistakes; actually, mistakes are encouraged! You can learn so much about your goals, and the direction you want to take in your writing in just one writing spree.  

When all else fails, take a break.

Put down the pen, put away the computer, and go hang out with some friends. Distract yourself and reboot, then try again the next day. It’s possible to work too hard. 

Where do you find inspiration? A day at the beach or maybe chatting with an old friend, tell me what inspires you!