So, it has been established that we are our own worst critics, I hope that
you took a lot of value from my previous blog post. Get to work
implementing those 3 R’s! But what does it take to reach a point of


So, it has been established that we are our own worst critics, I hope that you took a lot of value from my previous blog post. Get to work implementing those 3 Rs! But what does it take to reach a point of self-acceptance?


Don’t let that intimidate you, it is possible to push through your self-doubts and be proud of your accomplishments.

When I was writing my book and on the journey of self-publishing, I was waiting and waiting for that sense of accomplishment. But what I didn’t realize is that it doesn’t just come on its own. I had to be the one to initiate that feeling.

After finishing writing the book, I was too busy planning publishing to realize what a HUGE goal I had just met. Not to toot my own horn, but how many people actually write an entire book? But my attitude of always stressing about the next task at hand kept me from celebrating.

First things first… Celebrate the little things!

When you are constantly looking ahead you forget to celebrate the steps along the way. Even the little steps! Every celebrated win will help boost your self-confidence and rewire your brain to self-acceptance.

Next time you finish writing another chapter, get your cover photo designed, complete a marketing plan, etc. Acknowledge that victory and reap the benefits.

But how do you acknowledge your victories? Write it down!

I’m a big advocator for the written word in general, but the process of taking what’s in your head and physically writing it down for your eyes to see does more than you know. Just think of the phrase “seeing is believing”.

You see in front of you your accomplishments, now believe in yourself and continue to press on.

Once you see the value of your work, the pride behind meeting your goals, and realize that you ARE enough, a world of opportunities opens up. You will be able to accomplish more in less time because there is no second-guessing. You will have more self-worth and confidence and that will project itself into your professional life. And finally, the confidence other people have in you will grow!

Comment below on ways you like to celebrate your wins!

Let’s get your mind going. I have a free worksheet to help you work through this process. Just click the link below!

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