Previous Episode: Starting A Podcast in 2023

How do you make sure your podcast is actually standing out from the
thousands of podcast episodes out there? Here are some tips to consider
when choosing a podcast topic



Before starting a podcast, it is important to define the main topic you will focus on and research related topics you may want to explore while podcasting. Having clarity on the purpose of your podcast will make it easier to create content that resonates with an audience.

But how do you make sure your podcast is actually standing out from the thousands of podcast episodes out there? Here are some tips to consider when choosing a podcast topic:

1. Keep it Relevant — You want to choose a podcast topic that people will be interested in hearing about and can relate to. Consider if your podcast topic is timely, or if it might be something that has long-term appeal.

When podcasting, it is important to choose a topic that people will want to listen to. Ask yourself if the podcast will be interesting now and in the future. It should be about something people can relate to. To make sure your podcast stands out from all the others, you should research podcast topics and add keywords like 'podcasting' so more people can find it.

2. Know Your Audience — Get to know who your podcast is for and what topics they would enjoy hearing about. Check out another podcast in your niche to get an idea of the types of conversations people are having and how you can add something new or unique to the conversation.

3. Make it Memorable — A podcast topic should have a catchy name that will stick in listeners’ minds. Think of a title or phrase that can stand out from the crowd and draw people in. Furthermore, podcast topics should be engaging enough to keep listeners coming back for more.

4. Get Creative — Don’t be afraid to explore podcasting topics outside of your main subject! Experiment with different ideas and approaches to keep your podcast interesting and engaging.

5. Find Your Niche — Don't be afraid to go deep into a podcast topic that you have detailed knowledge and experience in. Finding your podcast's unique angle can help it stand out from the rest.

By choosing the right podcast topic and creating content that is both interesting and relevant, you can make your podcast.

A podcast is a great way to share your ideas and engage an audience. Choosing the right podcast topic and creating content that resonates with listeners is key to making your podcast stand out from the competition. Consider factors such as timeliness, relevance, creativity, and expertise when settling on a podcast topic; research-related topics; add keywords.

Want to take the next step in your journey of becoming a podcast master? Download my free guide full of advice, tips, and tricks on how to get started on your podcasting journey today!

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