Welcome to this week's episode of Heinz Radio with host, Eugene Leventhal. Back in April, Sam Quinones came to CMU's campus to give a talk as part of the University Lecture Series. Sam is a journalist and author of the book Dreamland: The True Tale of America's Opiate Epidemic - a really engaging read despite how heavy the topic is.

We were excited to get to talk to Sam about the book and about how synthetic opioids were present when he was researching for it. We started the interview talking about two of his forthcoming projects - a young adult version of Dreamland and a new project focusing on synthetic opioids. It was interesting to hear Sam's perspective on policy and legislative responses that we've seen to the crisis and to have him comment about how drug trafficking relates to the immigration debate.

We really enjoyed the conversation with Sam and I hope you enjoy the interview.

Sam's website
