We're living in a time when so many companies have access to so much information about us that it is easier and easier to both predict and shape our behavior. How can we trust that our data is being used fairly and respectfully? This episode looks at the complex issues behind defining and enforcing corporate ethical behavior in the burgeoning field of data science.

Host Sormeh Yazdi conducts a remote interview with Dr. Laura Norén, whose work focuses on employee data rights, capable data guardianship, and privacy compliance. Dr. Norén is a data science ethicist, speaker, and researcher currently serving as the Vice President of Privacy and Trust at Obsidian Security. She is a Visiting Scholar at NYU’s Center for Data Science and UC-Berkeley’s Division of Data Science and Information, has earned undergraduate degrees at MIT, and a PhD at NYU where she completed a Moore-Sloan Postdoc. Her work on data ethics been covered in The New York Times, the Toronto Globe and Mail, and American Public Media's Marketplace. On Thursdays, she publishes the Data Science Community Newsletter

If you are interested in more on this topic, check out "Scoping the OECD AI principles" as an example of a broad framework leaving details to the domains.