Each spring at Heinz College, the U.S. Army War College drops by for a weekend to run the International Strategic Crisis Negotiation Exercise (ISCNE). In this week's special two-part episode, we're finding out what the ISCNE is all about and what kind of lessons the students take away from it.

In the first half of the episode, Vanessa speaks with ISCNE mentor and U.S. Army Colonel Chris Cox about leadership and cooperation in large organizations. Col Cox is a former Army War College fellow at Heinz College and U.S. Military Academy faculty member, and has held a variety of leadership positions during his three deployments and more than twenty years of service.

In the second part of the episode, Corina takes us into the last day of the ISCNE to speak with the exercise facilitator, Colonel Ken Gillian, and to hear from students about the experience.