David is an author, endurance athlete, financial services professional, and public speaker. He uses the lessons learned in his life to enrich and inspire others. As a former sedentary, overweight smoker,

David discovered that he needed to focus not on what others wanted out of him, but on what he wanted out of life. With his first book, Winning in the Middle of the Pack: Realizing True Success in Business and in Life, David discussed how to get more out of ourselves than ever imagined.

Over the last fifteen years, David has completed over fifty triathlons, including fifteen Ironman-distance triathlons (2.4-mile swim, 112-mile bike, 26.2-mile run); more than fifty runs longer than marathon distance, including four consecutive marathons (104 miles) from Santa Barbara to Manhattan Beach; and a forty-five-day, 4,700-mile solo bike ride across the country.

David was raised in Southern California and splits his time between San Diego and Las Vegas. His wife is a successful employment, privacy, and healthcare attorney and his college-aged twins are as aspirational as their father.


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