A Brief History of Time
Artists throw-down
No one for Christopher to talk to about art
Christopher takes his son to college
Covid at Christopher's
Flintstone vitamin is the best
'Teen Guy' vitamins
Snorting vitamins
Acai berries
The American Diet
Too many choices at the grocery store?
Americans are fat
Are there anti oxidants in coffee?
James has a feeling
Alcohol isn't really that healthy
Christopher doesn't get drunk
A 12 pack a night
$2 Chuck follow up - not a divorce story (Charles Shaw)
Graham crackers and coffee
Graham Crackers: 'The anti-masturbating treat!'
James eviscerates Gettr's branding
Social media sites shaking down users down for their phone number
What is ghosting?
Herbal remedy for ghosting
Dash Rip Rock - Let's Go Smoke Some Pot
Heat Stroke Podcast totally, sometimes, maybe endorses the use of certain unspecified herbal medicines which may or may not be legal in your local.